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Diavolo Creations is using AVsitter menu engine, therefor the are no poseballs!

     WHEN the version of the furniture is already using the latest EXPERIENCE KEYS option of Second Life will allows automatically temp-attachments, so once allowed experience by the sitter they wont need to keep allowing to attach props triggered by an animations from the furniture. You can read more about this SL feature HERE.


ALSO you have to know that this works only on lands/parcels where AVsitter experience is allowed. That can be done on ESTATE or PARCEL level by adding it to the Allowed list for the estate or parcel. It's quiet easy: open the ABOUT LAND menu where the latest tab is the EXPERIENCE KEY where you can type AVsitter. The system will find for you the experience key AVsitter by Code Violet. Select it and add to the ALLOWED LIST. Thats all.


!! If users do not enable the 'AVsitter' by Code Violet experience then each prop will require permission to attach - as it was before - but the user may receive the message "Could not auto-attach, because the experience is not enabled on the land." - if you get that message dont freak out, the furniture is not broken, land just simply dosnt allows auto-attachment.


     WHEN NO experience keyes allowed: furniture will still try to TEMP-ATTACH to the avatar props with some animations but in many cases permission requests are hidden by dropdown menus - you can see the message closing the menu or simply calling it forward from the notifications


     IN case there is an animation which DOSN'T triggered well please STOP your AO (animation overrider) 'cus there is a chance that is higher priority then the built in animation from the furniture.


     Because avatar HIGHTS may vary in SL animations can't be adjusted to fit perfectly for everyone, but the menu is giving you a simple option to adjust the animation to your avatar height - just go to the ADJUSTMENT menu - chose ADJUST submenu and use the arrow keys to fine tune the position. Save it, and the script will remember it for YOU for the next time without editing notecard. I’m having a taller avatar then the lastest mesh avatars therefor you might find my stuffs bigger and u will also might need to fintetune the animations!


     LL do not make it possible to detect whether an avatar is permitted to run scripts and land owners need to be aware that disabling scripts may cause attachments to stop running. Attachments can only detach from visitors if parcel SCRIPT PERMISSIONS allow the visitor's scripts to run. In any case, parcel script permissions do not apply above 50m from the ground. If you experience this issue with scripted attachments then allow scripts on the land, or move the furniture >50m above the ground.


Diavolo Creations is using CasperTech rezbox!

     Put the REZBOX on the ground and touch it to get menu. Select the [Rez] option and when it’s rezed move the REZBOX around till the furniture or you building and all their parts will be in the position u want. When you all done you can click [FINISH] from the menu to clear the scripts from the building parts.


    You have other menu options too: [DE-REZ] = will delete the furniture or building (if the furniture/building parts still having the rezzer scripts); [STORE] = writes the current position and rotation to the object description; [ STEALTH] = This removes text and particles but keeps the prims tracking. NOTE: If you no longer wish to move the build, you should always use "finish!"

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