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Off topic thoughts…..

I just had one of those days when I found everything annoying. But really, everywhere I went I bumped into things that just pissed me off.

First, I suffered couple of hour in heavy lag only to find a shop at a fair from where I bought some stockings only to find out that there is no actually system layered stockings in the package, but all kind of appliers for various mesh bodies. And no, I DON’T wear mesh body. At the same place I finally managed to find the shop I was actually looking for and turned out there are no standard sized demos for the dress I wanted even if the vendor picture stated that works for standard avatars.

So here are some tips for designers and those who are organizing fairs (and no, I don’t want to say where my “horror” happened, ‘cus it’s irrelevant):

- take 5 minutes and make that damn system layer as well or at least write somewhere on the picture if the product dosn’t contains it

- don’t forget out the standard sizes from the demo

- don’t advertise something as a gift when someone has to pay for it. Call it a promo, but NEVER a gift. Period. Oh, and for gawd sake: add product picture on it or at least give it a decent name. Why I should pay for something about I don’t even know what is.

This is how my annoying SL day started. So I was fancy for some blues. I went to a club where the DJ just started streaming like 10 minutes earlier, but guess what, the host was already started with the linden lovin’. Ya’ll now what I’m saying. I do understand there are owners demanding that from their host and yes, it’s ok if you remember the guests if it’s a most – even if I find it awkward and can make one feel less like home when there is no local chat happening in between – but do that in reasonable timing. Oh, by the way – why I should tip a host who’s basically acting like a greeter only. I host should make a party flowing, not just standing there and repeating the same lines over and over. There are scripted gadgets doing that and none saying is working hard to be deserved a recompensation for that. Anyway, I always tip, but please…DON’T call me Iris after, take the time and read my damn name! Thank you!

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